After more than two years of work, we are proud to release this combatives curriculum to the public. Hours and hours of research, trial and error, recording and editing have resulted in more than eight hours of training comprised of over 50 separate videos, organized into seven belt/rank levels.

This is no fluff, realistic scenario training for self defense that most anyone can do, and even better, you have the option of training at home. Of course, in person training is the best, and we offer that too at the Marshfield facility. But for those who either don’t want to train with others at first, who live too far from a school, or whose schedules prohibit regular class attendance, we have put this curriculum on Vimeo so you can stream it anywhere, anytime.

For less than a cup of foo foo coffee and a pastry at your local shop per month, you get access to the entire curriculum to either follow in order, or pick the techniques that work for you. Another thing that sets us apart is we teach practical and improvised weapons, like your belt, that can be taken anywhere.

You can either progress through the belt ranks or not, if you just want the knowledge, your choice.

There’s nothing new under the sun, nor does this claim to be. And if you already train somewhere and like it, please stay with that! But if you don’t have a place to train, and would Iike to pick up some knowledge you don’t already have, or know someone who does, please check us out.