The Three Lies Gun Owners Tell Themselves

by Damian Ross
Founder, The Self Defense Company

“I don’t need self defense, I have a concealed carry permit.”

“He better be faster than my 9mm.”

“All I have to do is squeeze.”  

More ignorant words have never been spoken. No one is doubting the usefulness of a firearm, but to think that all you need is a gun is ignorant and lazy. 

Don’t take my word for it…let’s look at the FACTS. 

According to the Center for Disease Control (the people who actually keep track of this stuff). 

Each year in the US there are 2,100,000 assaults, 16,121 homicides (11,208 involving a firearm).

In the US, the population committing these acts of violence are between the of ages15 to 85 is 247,696,000. 

That means there is less than 0.005% of you ever being in a situation where you would be justified using your firearm. 

On the contrary, I would venture to guess that a large number of assaults go unreported. Someone tries to roll you as you come out of a bar, you protect yourself and go home, you probably don’t go through the hassle of reporting it.

In my personal experience only 1% (2 incidents) of my altercations involved the police, but the cases were never prosecuted. 

What are the chances? 

Chances of you using your firearm for self defense are  1 in 22,100

Plane crash 1 in 20,000

Drowning 1 in 8,942

Struck by lightening 1 in 6,250

Electrocuted 1 in 5,000

Bicycle Accident 1 in 4,700

Car accident 1 in 140

Suicide 1 in 121

Cancer 1 in 7

Heart Disease 1 in 5

The chances of your being in a simple assault (no weapon is present) 1 in 117* 

*NOTE: These are reported assaults, that number is probably a lot greater. 

You are 188 times more likely to be involved in a situation where you will not need or be justified to use your firearm.

But it get’s better, let’s check out the list of places where you CAN’T carry (and this is just off the top of my head)

Federal Buildings 

Post Offices

School Zones



Any business that makes you check your firearm

States without Conceal Carry

Foreign Countries

Now lets talk about what can happen if you can use your firearm.

Misfire or jam

You miss

You hit him with everything but unless it’s in the heart or the brain stem…you still have to fight. Plus if you’re carrying a a 9mm or less you’re going to have some serious stopping power issues. 

Even if you have your firearm, there’s a good chance you’re going to have to fight for space to access and draw your weapon. 

Make no mistake – I own firearms, but I’m a realist who doesn’t want to restrict my freedom based on where I can carry my weapon. 

If you’re serious about self defense, you practice every aspect of it that includes empty hand, impact and edged weapons as well as firearms.   

Putting all of your faith, safety and welfare of you and your loved ones in a mechanical device that you can’t carry everywhere you live, work and play and was made of parts from the lowest bidder, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Don’t live the in “firearm bubble.” 

It comes down to laziness and complacency. Self defense training requires a little more physical effort than point and shoot and for most people…well that’s just too much work.

The problem is that you put all your faith in technology instead of yourself. A weapon is only as good as the man or woman holding it. 

Train Honestly, 

Damian Ross

The Self Defense Company

P.S. Maybe it’s time to supplement your firearms training with some proven weapon retention skills like the ones you can get in the Guardian Defensive Tactics Program